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3 Tips for Exercising with Low Back Pain

Tess Balshaw

This article covers three tips for exercising with low back pain and follows on from the article 3 Backpain Myth’s which touched on some myths around low back pain. It includes information as seen in the video Low Back Pain Mobility Exercise Routine + 3 Tips for Exercising with Low Back Pain and forms part of the Back Pain Series. 


The first tip for exercising with low back pain is to have a graded exercise program. A rehabilitation program will include exercises that have different focuses. These typically include pain relief, mobility, and strength. A graded program will most often start with pain relief exercises with mobility and strength exercises added in over time. The intensity or duration of exercise may also increase over time. Pain relief exercises can be found in the article Low Back Pain Relief Exercise Routine.

The second tip is to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into an exercise routine. A rehabilitation program will typically involve specific exercises for the lower back. This may mean other exercise, such as cardio may not be the priority. When possible and as pain and your rehabilitation program allows, aim to incorporate some cardiovascular exercise such as walking, cycling, or jogging. Including cardio ensures a well-rounded program for overall health, longevity, and injury prevention. A well rounded program is particularly important when experiencing chronic pain to counteract some of the negative impacts of chronic pain such as low mood, social isolation, and reduced activity.


The third tip is to continue regular activities where possible, such as work, seeing friends and family, and hobbies. Keeping engaged with activity can be a lot harder with low back pain, especially chronic non-specific low back pain, however the importance of continuing activity should not be underestimated. Research from Hurwitz, Morgenstern and Chiao (2005) concluded that participation in recreational activities was associated with reduced low back pain, related disability, and psychological distress.


One way to continue regular activity is to modify tasks. This might mean reducing the duration, taking breaks, or using equipment. For example, going out with friends for dinner for an hour rather than three, doing short intervals of housework at a time, or using a reacher to pick objects off the ground. It may also mean giving up some activities to participate in others. For example, using online shopping or grocery delivery to save time and energy which could be then used for going for a walk outside once a week.


In summary, this article covered three tips or principles for keeping active with low back pain. Tip one was to have a graded exercise program, often starting with pain relief exercises and adding in mobility and strength over time. Tip two was to incorporate cardiovascular exercise when possible for a well rounded program to support longevity. Tip three was to participate in regular activities such as work, seeing friends and family, and hobbies for psychological wellbeing. 


I hope this article has been helpful. If you would like to watch the exercises in this routine, the accompanying video can be found on the Age Fit with Tess Youtube channel. To continue to manage pain, build strength, and gain fitness in the meantime refer to the Age Fit with Tess blog. See you next time.



Hurwitz, EL, Morgenstern, H & Chiao, C 2005, 'Effects of recreational physical activity and back exercises on low back pain and psychological distress: findings from the UCLA Low Back Pain Study', American journal of public health, vol. 95, no. 10, pp. 1817-24.


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Age Fit with Tess
Tess Halbauer I Physiotherapist
ABN 15 846 108 893


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